“These times are not for the faint of heart, but there has been no time that has not challenged women to stand in truth and expansive love.”
— Deborah Santana, Feminist Power Awards speech
I have long believed in the power of stories: cultural lore, family memories, and historical truths that unite and educate. Listening to others' stories is a spiritual practice, the gift of witnessing.
My passion is being in a spiritual circle of equality, sharing the lessons and triumphs of life, and fanning flames of inspiration.
My early years were filled with the values and faith of prayer and my family’s church. At 16 I began studying yoga with my mother, Jo Frances King at the Walt & Magnana Baptiste Studio on Clement Street in San Francisco. Later I attended yoga classes at the Integral Yoga Institute on Dolores Street, joined a meditation path, and have studied religions and philosophies to enhance my inner peace. I continue searching for truth in every endeavor, whether supporting organizations through my Do A Little Foundation, or standing up for equal rights for all.
“You do not need to be doing great things.
In your own small way, among your neighbors, around your house,
see that you are a friend to everyone.
Learn to love everyone equally, no matter what he or she is.”
[from Gems of Wisdom
by Sri Swami Satchidananda]

Photo by Jorden Keith
Flowers by Rebecca Louise Law