Do A Little
Do A Little was born in 2008. I created my non-profit to serve the needs of women and girls because the balance of power in the world still lies in the hands of men who often bypass or ignore the skills, intelligence, compassion, love and grace of the female gender. Do A Little supports women as leaders, and owners of our futures and encourages women to grow in whatever ways bring happiness and peace.
Do A Little’s name was inspired by a quote from the Most Reverend Desmond M Tutu, O.M.S.G., Anglican Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town: “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”
I fervently believe in community, and in each of us working where we are most gifted to improve our world. I believe that small acts are just as important as great acts. They are all part of a recipe for a better the planet. If each of us contributes something soulful and heartfelt, sharing resources and talents, the outcome is a delicious meal of sustainable life energy.
The Do A Little logo is a photo of my Aunt Nita as a representation of the face of all women. Nita was an intelligent, strong-willed, hard-working woman born during the Depression. She worked as a child and right after graduating high school, was a wonderful mother, a world traveler, a caring older sister to my mother, Jo Frances, and hawk-eyed in her overview of life.
Do A Little helps all people, no matter what gender, sexual persuasion, religion or ethnicity. Here are some of the organizations Do A Little funds:
Door photo: Wiki-uk [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons